Sharing a momentous legal history – DLS Law students index donated Mabo archive
Research | November 15, 2024In October, two years after the donation of papers arising from one of Australia’s most historic legal cases – Mabo – Deakin Law School celebrated a milestone in preserving and making this collection accessible for researchers to explore.
Should you need a permit to protest? Here’s why that’s a bad idea (and might be unlawful)
Research | October 10, 2024Recent media discussions about Australians' right to protest have sparked debate over the possibility of introducing a nationwide permit system. Deakin Law School Associate Professor Maria O'Sullivan, Lead of the Technology Stream at the Centre for Law as Protection, explored the human rights implications of protest laws in her article for The Conversation.
Huge gas fields – under a coral reef. Will a rejection on environmental grounds stop Woodside’s Browse project?
News, Research | September 5, 2024Woodside's proposed Browse gas project would have a profound environmental impact on the Burrup peninsula in Western Australia off the pristine Kimberley coast. Professor Samantha Hepburn, Director of Research at the Deakin Law School and looks at what the project would mean for marine life and who the main players are in the approval process.
Leading Australian lawyer recognised globally
Any move to scrap the death penalty must begin with the US
Call for an overhaul of sentencing law
Property Law Review announces new natural resources section and editor
How to deal with climate change
Extra funding for legal assistance services should only be a start
Lack of real action on remittances increases terrorist financing risk
The Hazelwood mine disaster could easily have been avoided
Court challenge will test coal mining’s climate culpability
FactCheck: is 53% of Australia under exploration licence for unconventional mining?
Coal seam gas can provide certainty in a time of market chaos
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