Private Law & Medical Jurisprudence Research Hub seminar
Professor Pompeu Casanovas
will discuss
Regulatory Models for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Abstract: OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence, (O)SI for (Open) Social Intelligence, PbD for Privacy by Design and CI for Collective Intelligence. The CAPER Project (EUF7) has built an OSINT solution oriented to the prevention of organized crime. But, how to balance freedom and security?
I will describe a way to embed the legal and ethical issues raised by the General Data Reform Package (GDRP) in Europe into security and surveillance platforms. It focuses on the indirect strategy to flesh out ethical principles through Semantic Web Regulatory Models (SWRM), and discusses the possibility to extend them to Cyber Warfare, beyond LEAs transnational cooperation. Institutional design and the possibility to set a global meta-rule of law will be discussed as well.
Pompeu Casanovas is Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Autonomous University of Catalonia (UAB); Director of Advanced Research (ACQU), Consultant of Artificial Intelligence and Law at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC); and Director of the UAB Institute of Law and Technology. He has carried out research in several institutes and universities across Europe, USA and Australia (UCSD, Oñati-IISL, Stanford, Bologna, Victoria…). He has served as Principal Investigator in over 50 national and international projects, and he has authored above 10 books and 200 scientific articles in the areas of legal philosophy, legal sociology, judicial studies, AI and Law (the Semantic Web), security, and mediation (ODR). He is General Editor of the Research Series La Razón Áurea (Editorial Comares, Spain), and General Co-Editor of the Law, Governance and Technology Series (Springer Verlag). He co-edits the Journal of Open Access to Law (JOAL) at the University of Cornell, and the Journal of Catalan Intellectual History (JOCIH) at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Catalan Academy of Sciences). He is serving as well at the Academic Board of Directors of the Joint International Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree in Law, Science and Technology (European Erasmus Mundus). Since 2014 on he is Adjunct Professor at RMIT University.
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