Do you know the law related to 'sexting'?
Due to overwhelming demand, the Centre for Rural, Regional Law and Justice at Deakin University and Victoria Legal Aid are repeating the workshop on Sexting and the Law.
Are you a teacher, well-being coordinator, youth worker, adolescent health nurse or community legal educator?
Do you know the law related to 'sexting'?
Do you want to learn more about available legal education kits and resources on legal education related to sex, social media and young people?
Join the Centre for Rural, Regional Law and Justice at Deakin University and Victoria Legal Aid for an interactive workshop on Sexting and the Law as part of the Sex, Young People and the Law (SYPL) education program.
The SYPL education program was developed by Victoria Legal Aid and the Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre. The program complements existing sexuality and healthy relationships programs in schools by providing a legal education kit for educators to assist young people to understand their legal rights and responsibilities and make informed decisions about sex and relationships.
The Sexting and the Law topic addresses updated laws about sexting, the consequences of breaking these laws and where to get help.
Attendees will gain a greater understanding of the recent changes to the Victorian laws regarding the 'distribution of an intimate image'.
The workshop will comprise a short interactive presentation by Laura Chipp, Youth Programme Manager, Victoria Legal Aid, followed by a question and answer session during which participants will be able to submit questions using e-mail and Twitter to a panel of lawyers.
Thursday 17 September, 3 pm to 5 pm
You can attend in person at: Bendigo, Churchill, Hamilton, Horsham, Melbourne, Mildura, Rosebud, Swan Hill and Warrnambool.
You can also attend online via Skype for Business. You will receive information on how to connect after registration.
Bookings are essential. Please register by 16 September.