A conversation with Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson about Aboriginal women and children, family violence and trauma
Join Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson as she discusses Aboriginal women and children, family violence and trauma in a seminar to be held at the Geelong Waterfront Campus in October.
It is important to begin by acknowledging that many, many Aboriginal families live in safe, secure environments. Aboriginality is not an instant indicator of a violent person. For many others, however, violence can be a part of daily life, a seemingly inescapable, exhausting vortex.
The need to deal effectively with trauma for incarcerated people and to up-skill trauma informed practitioners in a range of professions, including the law, has been identified in the USA and the UK and some programs have already been put in place. While it is something recognised in the field of health, it is very much an emerging field in a legal setting in Australia. Professor Atkinson is at the cutting edge of taking this work into prisons for women and considering the issue holistically and in a culturally appropriate way. She is set to commence discussions with justice departments in Queensland and a combined meeting with Police, Corrections and AG in the Northern Territory.
For further information on this topic and seminar, please contact the Centre for Rural and Regional Law and Justice on crrlj@deakin.edu.au.