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The imminent future of the United Kingdom and European Union following the fallout of Brexit

We are pleased to invite you to a seminar led by Professor Axel Kämmerer.

Deakin Law School‘s Centre for Comparative Corporate Governance present a seminar led by Prof. Axel Kämmerer who will give a legal perspective on Brexit and its ramifications.

The Focus of the Seminar

Prof. Axel Kämmerer will focus on how “hard” the Brexit ultimately will hit the European Union (EU) and its serious effects, not only on the institutions of the EU and its official languages, but also legal relations with its former member and the shaping of the so-called common policies of the EU. He will focus on several vital consequences, including what will become of British residents? What will happen to many British companies domiciled in EU Member States? Will international trade agreements continue to be valid in the UK and is the latter permitted to conclude new ones while still formally a Union member? Would British companies have to reregister in Frankfurt or Paris in order to gain market access?

Professor Axel Kämmerer

Professor Axel has been a Professor (chair holder) at Bucerius Law School since 2000. His research focuses on market regulation, privatization as well as law and finance in both German public law and EU law.

A Directors of the Institute on Company and Capital Markets Law (ICCML/IUKR) at Bucerius, he was appointed member of an advisory committee to the German Ministry of Finance on financial markets regulation in 2011.

He is the author of a textbook on Constitutional Law and has made contributions to renowned legal commentaries, mainly on basic rights. Moreover, he is in charge of a research project dealing with the evolution of Public International Law with financial assistance from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

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