2017 Deakin Law School FinTech Conference.
Leading legal scholars and practitioners will explore the latest developments in financial technology law at Deakin Law School’s upcoming FinTech Conference.
A range of national and international experts will discuss some of the regulatory issues that are now emerging from innovations in financial technology.
The conference provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable insight into the legal developments that affect global financial communities and society and will facilitate a forum for debating and developing policies in this significant, emerging field.
Keynote speakers for the conference include Professor Benjamin Geva from Osgood Hall Law School (York University, Canada) and Professor Ross Buckley (UNSW, Sydney).
Prof. Geva specialises in commercial, financial and banking law and will present his research paper Central Bank Digital Currencies: Implications for Monetary and Financial Stability.
This paper was recently listed in Social Science Research Network’s (SSRN) ‘top ten’ download list for its category and Prof. Geva is also ranked in the top ten per cent of authors on SSRN by total new downloads in the past 12 months.
Exploring the potential legal frameworks for Central Bank Digital Currency – CBDC, Prof. Geva’s will examine the impact of the various models on monetary and financial stability and the extent to which the concept of ‘money’ has been transformed in the digital age.
Prof. Ross Buckley’s research into financial technology law has led to invitations to present his findings to leading international regulatory agencies including AUSTRAC, ASIC and Treasury in Australia, the SEC and Federal Reserve in the US, and to the Monetary Authorities of Hong Kong and Singapore. His research has also been welcomed by the Bank of England.
In early 2017, Prof. Buckley achieved a global ranking of 15th on the basis of SSRN downloads on SSRN in 12 months – the highest ranking of an Australian legal scholar.
The conference will also host a number of other speakers under the following schedule:
- 9.45am – Registration
- 10.00am – Professor Benjamin Geva (Osgood Hall Law School, York University, Canada) – Digital Currencies and the Integrity of the Monetary and Payment Systems: Will Certainty, Safety and Stability be Preserved?
- 10.45am – Jonathan Hatch (Senior Advisor, Innovation Hub) – ASIC’s Innovation Hub
- 11.10am – Coffee break
- 11.30am – Brian Knight (Senior Research Fellow) – Federalism and Federalization on the Fintech Frontier
- 11.50am – Katharine Kemp (Research Fellow, University of New South Wales) – Big Data Meets Regulation: Global Trends in Data Protection Regulation and the Governance of Privacy
- 12.10pm – Karen Powell (Deakin Law School) – Technology Matters: Digital Currency as Intangible Property
- 12.30pm – Lunch break
- 1.45pm – Dr Chao-Sheng Chiang (Tunghai University) – How to Regulate Robo-Advisors: A Comparative Law Perspectives
- 2.05pm – Professor Renato Mangano (Blockchain-Based-Securities and Insolvency Law) – From the ‘who-owns-what-approach’ to a ‘who-is-who-approach’
- 2.30pm – Sadegh Aberoumand (Fluid Mechanics, Islamic Azad University) – FinTech in Iran: Current State and the Future Direction
- 2.50pm – Dr Christian Chamorro-Courtland (Deakin Law School) – Distributed Ledger Technology: The Future of Central Counterparty (CCP) Clearing
- 3.10pm – Professor Ross Buckley (UNSW, Sydney) – From FinTech to RegTech to TechFin: The Transformation of Banking and Finance and Associated Regulatory Challenges
- 4.00pm – Cocktail reception