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Investing for Sustainability: Drivers and Enforcers

You are invited to this public seminar on investing for sustainability.

Deakin Law School along with the Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade (SMART) host a public seminar on the topic of investing for sustainability. 

Shifting investment from fossil-fueled, unsustainable projects to renewables-based and sustainable business is crucial to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The huge investment gap under the Paris Agreement and even larger under the SDGs, highlights the unsustainability of the business as usual and the path-dependency of current financial decision-making. This seminar discusses possible drivers and enforcers for sustainability-oriented business and investments, identifying how to dismantle barriers to the necessary transition and strengthen emerging trends for sustainability.


9.30 am – Registration

10.00 am – Welcome
Professor Jenni Lightowlers, Dean of Law, Deakin Law School

10.05 am – Introduction of presenters
Professor Jean du Plessis, Professor (Corporate Law), Deakin Law School

10.15 am – Professor Beate Sjåfjell, Professor Dr. Juris, University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, and
Professorial Research Fellow, Deakin Law School
Beyond Climate Risk: Integrating Sustainability into the Corporate Board

10.45 am – Sarah Barker, Special Counsel, MinterEllison, Melbourne
No longer an option: climate risk management and duties of commercial corporations

11.15 am – Morning tea

11.30 am – Professor Gill North, Professorial Reseach Fellow, Deakin Law School
Corporate Management and Reporting of Environmental and Social Risks: Paradigm
Change or Window Dressing?

12.00 pm – Professor Andrew Keay, Professor, Leeds University School of Law, and Professorial
Research Fellow, Deakin Law School
Sustainability in Large Listed Companies in the UK: A Sector Study

12.30 pm – Panel discussion
Chair: Professor Jean du Plessis

  • Professor Beate Sjåfjell
  • Sarah Barker
  • Professor Gill North
  • Professor Andrew Keay

1.15 pm – Light lunch and networking