Deakin Law students gear up for their legal placements.
Deakin’s Legal Internship enables Bachelor of Law (LLB) students to gain an appreciation of certain aspects of legal practice and to extend and deepen their theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills while working in a legal environment.
In preparation for our students' legal internship unit for Trimester 2, our work integrated learning team hosted an informative and supportive induction with over 70 students last week. This included a guest speaker Meg Aitken, a Deakin Law alumna who came to give insight into her experience and the many benefits of taking part in this program and how it springboarded her career. There was also the unit chair and Associate Lecturer, Cassandra Seery taking students through the learning outcomes, unit structure and expectations.
As part of this internship, students will receive instruction in a variety of areas of legal practice: taking instructions and client interviewing; fact finding; alternative dispute resolution and negotiation; providing advice and counselling of a legal nature; legal research and problem solving; the litigation process; advocacy.
At the successful completion of their legal placement, students will gain 1 credit point towards their degree. This elective unit allows students to gain first-hand experience in a legal environment.
A special word of appreciation to all students attended, Meg, Cassandra and work integrated learning staff.
To find out more about the legal internship program which runs each trimester visit out legal internship page. Alternatively, if you are interested in hosting a Deakin Law intern, please contact us at or call 03 5227 8619 and explore the benefits of hosting a legal intern.