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Cross-disciplinary collaboration in family matters

Deakin Law School and Deakin’s School of Psychology host a conference on resolving high-conflict family law matters.

If child development sat at the heart of all family law practices, what could our work look like? What is the evidence for effective models of cross-disciplinary family law practice? What are the emerging possibilities for a family law system with children’s well-being at its centre? How would we train our law and psychology students to become a truly collaborative workforce? What would a shared curriculum look like?

These are current questions under discussion between Deakin Law School and Deakin's School of Psychology. We invite you to join us in an open seminar, to explore them further.

The conference will highlight longitudinal, cross-country research by Professor Jennifer McIntosh AM (Deakin University and Children Beyond Dispute) and Professor Amy Holtzworth Munroe (Indiana University). The researchers describe the processes of Child Inclusive Mediation and Child Focused Consultation. They discuss key features of shared training for law and psychology students and professionals to bring their disciplinary strengths together in the service of maximizing developmental outcomes for children affected by highly conflicted disputes between their parents. Syd Balachandran, Clinical Solicitor at Deakin Law Clinic will lead a panel of discussants, including key stakeholders from the field and from the tertiary sector.

Upon conclusion of the formalities, all attendees are welcome to stay and attend with light refreshments available.