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DLS Webinar Series: Technology and the Law

2020 has seen a spotlight on Force Majeure (or 'act of God') clauses like never before.

The pandemic left many legal teams and companies thinking 'If only there was a way to instantaneously search all our contracts for a force majeure clause?' or any other number of specific issues.
This world of seeming science fiction to some is actually with us right now.
Companies and law firms with robust contract management systems in place can quickly and easily find answers in stressful times.
There are many ways those who are actively championing technology are gaining a strong advantage over their competitors and impressing their customers. And… Lawyers who can understand and augment their legal services with technology will leave others behind.
We'll take a look at:
> some key automation and document review technology making 2020 lawyering less stressful and
> Why you (yes you!) need to get involved with legal technology ASAP
> How you can get started on a legal tech adventure of your own (in between baking sourdough and deciding what to watch on Netflix…)